Valerie Smith

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Added stories for Valerie Smith

At this moment, 2 stories have been added to Valerie Smith's Cloud

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Added by Barry Smith

My sister Valerie vanished from our family home at the age of 20 in March of 1981. We've been tirelessly and hopefully searching for her - and for answers - ever since... but her case sadly remained cold for over 40 years. 

It’s with both heartbreak and relief that I’d like to share that last week - after four decades of wondering and grieving and praying - we finally got an answer and some closure...

Just 10 weeks after Valerie disappeared, a woman was found in the East River. There was no foul play, the case somehow slipped through the cracks, and she was labeled a "Jane Doe" and subsequently buried on Hart Island in the Long Island Sound. Earlier this month we learned of this case and now have confirmation that this woman was, in fact, my sister Valerie. 

Though it brings me such sadness to have confirmation that Valerie likely passed the evening she disappeared (and I feel a great deal of frustration that she was found, and buried just miles from us for all this time), I do find comfort in knowing where she is now and to finally have a place to visit her. Thank you Hart Island Project and Melinda Hunt.

There were nearly zero developments in Valerie's case for many years - and though we never stopped searching for her and maintaining hope we’d see her again, our optimism began to dwindle over time. That is until 2017 when my cousin Megan took an interest in Valerie’s case and helped to have it reopened. She and a team of incredibly talented and dedicated people - including Detective Sessa  and Sgt Depalma NYPD , along with forensic anthropologist Dr. Angela Soler - put so much time, care and energy into searching for answers - and they succeeded. I'm forever grateful to these individuals and everyone else who played a role in bringing me and my family the closure we've sought for so long. 

I would also like to thank each and every one of you who have supported me and my family; helped search for Valerie; and shared memories, stories, and photos of her throughout the years. Your love and suppor
t have meant more to me than you know.

To properly memorialize Valerie's life, we'll be planning a service in the spring. We will share details on the date and location at a later time. Until then, please continue to keep Valerie in your thoughts and prayers - and I hope you, too, find some comfort in knowing she's resting peacefully.

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