Hi, my name is Wendy. My baby boy Kristopher Jose Zayas-Sanchez was buried here without my knowledge. I took care of myself through out my whole pregnancy and went into labor at Woodhull Hospital to lose my healthy son 20 minutes later. I was returned for recovery at the maternity ward with everyone enjoying thier child. But I was childless.
I lost 3 months of my life of no recollection of Thanksgiving, xmas and new year 1987. For 26 years I did not know where my son was buried. I will forever be grateful to Ms. Melinda Hunt for given me the gift of finding my missing son. I thought I had found closure but I haven't yet, because I have not had the courage to go see where my son is, I know now but I haven't gone yet. I turn on a white candle everyday for Kristopher Jose. My wish is to be able to give him the proper memorial he deserves. When that occurs maybe just maybe I will be in a better place emotionally. I have been in therapy for 30 years mourning my boy. Thank you Melinda. I hope i get the opportunity to meet you and give you the proper thank you. I love my son since the moment I knew I was going to be a mother for the first time. And I will love him until my last breath.
Wendy Zayas