Welcome to The Hart Island Project. Since 1980, 78,545 people have been buried on Hart Island. Traveling Cloud Museum is a collection of stories that you can experience at home or on location.
By clicking on a plot number you can access records of individuals buried at that location. Each person has a clock measuring how long they have been buried on the island. You can stop their clock of anonymity and restore their history by adding a story to The Traveling Cloud Museum.
Plot numbers in blue indicate that a person with COVID-19 has been identified at that location.
Plot numbers in red indicate that a person with AIDS has been identified at that location.
This site is optimized to work on mobile devices when you visit Hart Island. Navigation tools will guide you to gravesites or points of interest. When close to a burial plot or historic location, augmented reality (AR) will mark individual graves within common plots.
We invite you to contribute stories to Traveling Cloud Museum at home or on location.
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